Monday, September 15, 2008

Pre-Nuptial Pics

Mac and I were never really big on pictures. In the 4 years that we were together we only have a handful of decent pictures. We love to travel but we're too lazy to take pictures. So when our official photographers for the wedding told us that we had to provide pictures of us as a couple, we found it hard to look for decent ones. When we showed my mom the pictures that we have, she didn't like it. And since the package for the pre-nup only included a studio shoot (we didn't want to pay extra for an outdoor shoot...hehe, kuripot) my mom got hold of a photographer to shoot us outdoor. The outdoor shoot was not scheduled, it was just my Mommy Lina's birthday and she happened to have a photographer in the event which we stole for several hours to take our outdoor pictures. So in addition to the studio
pre-nups taken today we also had outdoor pics to include in the guestbook.

It was so much fun. I just didn't realize how taxing it is to be a photo shoot model. hehe.

More pictures at our wedsite and at my multiply site

Almost two months to go before the wedding!!! Can't wait!!!

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